How do I create a Product Page?
In order to create a product page, you will need to open the Product Builder. You will have access to this tool once your intake form has been approved. There are two ways to access the Product Builder:
- Navigate to the Dashboard for the correct Publisher and click on View Product Builder next to the correct product.
- Navigate to the Products section for thecorrect Publisher and click on the eye icon next to the correct product.
Once the Product Builder is open, you can start editing the product page. Most fields will be pre-filled from the intake form. As the you modify certain fields on the left, the product preview will change in real time on the right.These fields include:
· Product Name
· Description/Summary
· Delivery Frequency
· Data Frequency
· History
· Coverage
· Reporting Lag
· Documentation (Note: Suggestedheadings are provided but they can be modified using the Markdown guide.)
· For ESG products:Sustainability goals and frameworks/regulations